Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kulit Telur Bisa Serap Pemanasan Global

Calcutta, India, Limbah cangkang atau kulit telur tampaknya belum banyak dimanfaatkan orang. Tapi penelitian terbaru menemukan bahwa kulit telur dapat membantu mengatasi perubahan iklim.

Peneliti dari University of Calcutta, India, telah menunjukkan bahwa membran yang melapisi cangkang telur dapat menyerap gas rumah kaca karbon dioksida dari atmosfer, bahkan hampir tujuh kali lipat dari berat telur itu sendiri.

"Karbon dioksida yang terangkap sementara dapat disimpan dalam bentuk ini, sampai metode energi yang efektif untuk menggunakan gas ini dapat ditemukan. Nantinya diharapkan tidak akan terjadi lagi masalah lingkungan yang terkait emisi karbon," tutur Basab Chaudhuri, pemimpin penelitian dari University of Calcutta, seperti dilansir Medindia, Senin (1/11/2010).

Chaudhuri menjelaskan bahwa cangkang telur terdiri dari tiga lapisan, yaitu kutikula pada lapisan luar, serta kandungan kalsium kenyal pada lapisan tengah dan dalam.

Lapisan tengah dan dalam terdiri dari serat protein yang terikat pada karbonat kalsium. Membran inilah yang dapat menyerap gas CO2 dan berada tepat di bawah kulit dengan ketebalan sekitar 100 mikrometer.

"Untuk mendapatkan membran ini, kami harus memisahkan membran dari kutikula. Pemisahan membran saat ini bukan merupakan proses yang efisien," jelas Chaudhuri.

Tapi menurut peneliti yang dipimpin Chaudhuri, asam lemah dapat membantu dan bisa digunakan untuk memisahkan membran dari cangkang yang akan digunakan sebagai adsorben (penyerap) karbon dioksida.

"Pemisahan mekanis ini akan dibuat untuk proses skala industri. Namun, setiap orang juga bisa mengurangi tingkat CO2 dengan mengekspos membran pada cangkang telur setelah ia makan telur," tutup Chaudhuri.

Studi ini telah diterbitkan dalam International Journal of Global Warming pada bulan Oktober lalu.

(mer/ir) (Sumber:

6 Rahasia Menggunakan Pasta Gigi

Ada begitu banyak produk pasta gigi di pasaran yang menjanjikan Anda gigi yang lebih segar, lebih putih, dan mencegah lubang. Hal ini menyebabkan Anda sebagai konsumen menjadi bingung untuk memilih yang terbaik. Kandungan apa sih, yang kita perlukan? Seberapa banyak pasta gigi yang harus kita gunakan? Mana yang lebih baik antara bentuk gel atau pasta? Berikut adalah panduannya.

1. Fluoride, bahan yang terpenting
Saat ini, ada begitu banyak produk pasta gigi yang diperkaya dengan kandungan sesuai kebutuhan gigi kita, seperti tartar control, pemutih, atau penyegar napas. Namun, dalam pasta gigi yang paling penting adalah fluoride-nya. Menurut Academy of General Dentistry, menggosok gigi dengan pasta gigi ber-fluoride dua kali sehari bisa mengurangi kerusakan gigi hingga 40 persen.

2. Pemutih tak akan langsung membuat gigi jadi putih
Ada belasan produk yang menjanjikan senyum yang cemerlang, tetapi apa sih kandungan dari pasta gigi dengan whitener ini? "Pasta gigi dengan pemutih mengandung 'pengampelas' ringan untuk membantu menghilangkan noda di permukaan gigi," kata Clifford Whall, PhD, Direktur American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance Program.

Bentuk partikel yang digunakan pada produk pemutih dimodifikasi untuk membersihkan noda tersebut dengan lebih baik sehingga Anda bisa melihat adanya perbedaan pada gigi Anda. Meskipun begitu, produk-produk ini tidak mengandung pemutih sehingga tidak mungkin membuat gigi Anda langsung putih seperti jika Anda menjalani perawatan pemutihan gigi secara profesional.

3. Lebih sedikit, lebih baik
Dalam iklan-iklan pasta gigi mungkin Anda akan melihat modelnya memegang sikat gigi yang dipenuhi pasta gigi. Namun, memencet pasta gigi sebanyak ini (katakan, sepanjang 2 cm) tidak akan membuat gigi Anda lebih bersih daripada jika Anda hanya menuang 1 cm pasta gigi, demikian menurut E Jane Crocker, RHD, Presiden Massachusetts Dental Hygienists’ Association.

"Yang Anda butuhkan hanya pasta gigi seukuran kacang," katanya. Pasta gigi sebanyak itu tidak hanya akan membuat penggosokan gigi lebih efektif (dengan membersihkan dan menghilangkan plak, noda, dan sisa makanan), Anda juga akan menghemat pasta gigi Anda.

4. Cara Anda menyikat gigi jauh lebih penting
Anda boleh saja membeli pasta gigi terbaik, dan sikat gigi paling sempurna di toko, tetapi jika Anda tidak menggosok gigi Anda dengan benar, sia-sia saja. "Untuk menyikat gigi dengan semestinya, Anda harus memegang sikat pada posisi 45 derajat sehingga Anda membuat bulu sikat gigi ada di antara gigi dan gusi," ujar Dr Whall. "Gerakkan sikat gigi dalam bentuk lingkaran kecil di area tersebut, lalu lanjutkan pada gigi yang lain. Proses ini akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar satu atau dua menit sampai selesai."

5. Kandungan pasta gigi bisa mencengangkan
Anda mungkin tidak mengenali nama-nama yang terdaftar di sisi tabung pasta gigi. Bahan-bahan seperti rumput laut atau deterjen bisa ditemukan dalam banyak pasta gigi ber-fluoride. Menurut ADA, bahan pengental pasta gigi bisa terbuat dari koloid rumput laut, koloid mineral, dan getah alam. Sedangkan untuk busanya, kebanyakan produk mengandalkan deterjen seperti sodium lauryl sulfate, yang juga bisa ditemukan di sampo atau sabun cair. Bahan ini dianggap 100 persen aman dan efektif oleh ADA.

6. Pasta atau gel?
Ada yang mengatakan, bentuk pasta lebih baik daripada bentuk gel, atau sebaliknya. Namun, menurut para ahli kesehatan, kedua jenis bahan ini tetap membersihkan gigi dengan baik, kok. "Selain cita rasa, tekstur, atau bagaimana pasta gigi itu berpengaruh pada perasaan pemakainya, tidak ada perbedaan besar dari bentuk-bentuk bahannya," kata Crocker. "Menurut saya sih, hal ini tergantung pilihan masing-masing, yang biasanya diketahui melalui trial and error. Saya sendiri mendorong pasien-pasien saya untuk menggunakan produk apa pun yang bisa membuat mereka menggosok gigi." Dengan kata lain, terserah mau pilih produk apa, yang penting Anda rajin gosok gigi!


Editor: Dini

Sumber: Womans Day ,

Protecting Your Beloved Car with Auto Floor Mats

Sometimes, you do not realize that your shoes are dirty and wet when you step in your car. Especially when it rains, your boots or shoes are covered by mud and stuff like that. Or, maybe your little kids, nephew and nieces get in your can after playing in yard. When you see your car floor dirty, you would be upset as it is not that easy to clean your car floor. If you have this kind of problem, you must need something that can protect your floor car. You can use auto floor mats.

The mats will protect your car floor, so it keeps the bottom floor clean. If the floor happens to get dirty, you just need to take it off and wash it outside. It is easy and more convenient. You can get the auto floor mats in automotive stores or visit them online. They will assist you if you have some questions about the mats. You can also let them know about your budget, so they can show you their offers that encounter with your fund.

However, there are so many kinds of different auto floor mats available. You have to think about the right choice for you, because it is sometimes difficult to decide. There are certain categories and classification of auto floor mats, you can pick up the right type of floor protection depends on your need. You probably want to choose the type based on the weather. There are some types that can protect your car floor in all weather. You can also choose it based on what it is made out of, as they are made out of many kinds of material such as rubber. They definitely have their advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the material and the function, you must want to have the nice one. The companies which sell the mats also have them with different models; you can pick up one and meet your favor.

Reference for Wheels And Tires Size Modification

Wheels and tires are two parts that can not be separated. In the world of modifications, wheel and tire size is very influential on the appearance of a car, but outside of it, keep in mind, too great a measure of both greatly affect the comfort factor while driving.
Therefore, when changing wheels and tires can not be arbitrary, there are many things which should be noted that there are no regrets in the future when it mencangkoknya ditunggangan favorite.

Combination Wheels Size And Tires
Recommendations from the car manufacturers can change a car wheel size without reducing the performance of the engine and the driving comfort is the maximum level 2 (+ 2) of the standard size can be from the factory. But in the modification of a car can change the size up to 4 levels peleknya (+4) over the standard wheel size without the need to make changes to the car body.

Of course change the size of wheels with a larger (up-size) should be followed by the turn of the right tire size so it will not be happen gesrot symptoms or fixed to the body in the car or the car fender.

Effect of Changing Tire and Rim Size
Many people ask, whether there is influence or effect if it has changed the wheel and tire size? .. The benefits of making changes and tire rim size so much of which is handling the response for the better car when changing direction or maneuver, because the tire contact area with the road surface becomes wider, making traction a tire larger than a car’s appearance becomes more catchy.
But the weakness of the up-size wheels and tires replaced with a thinner profile and the width will slightly reduce the damping force cars to the road surface is uneven and a little more noise (noise road) due to the tire contact with road surfaces became greater.

Reference for Wheels And Tires Size Modification

Wheels and tires are two parts that can not be separated. In the world of modifications, wheel and tire size is very influential on the appearance of a car, but outside of it, keep in mind, too great a measure of both greatly affect the comfort factor while driving.
Therefore, when changing wheels and tires can not be arbitrary, there are many things which should be noted that there are no regrets in the future when it mencangkoknya ditunggangan favorite.

Combination Wheels Size And Tires
Recommendations from the car manufacturers can change a car wheel size without reducing the performance of the engine and the driving comfort is the maximum level 2 (+ 2) of the standard size can be from the factory. But in the modification of a car can change the size up to 4 levels peleknya (+4) over the standard wheel size without the need to make changes to the car body.

Of course change the size of wheels with a larger (up-size) should be followed by the turn of the right tire size so it will not be happen gesrot symptoms or fixed to the body in the car or the car fender.

Effect of Changing Tire and Rim Size
Many people ask, whether there is influence or effect if it has changed the wheel and tire size? .. The benefits of making changes and tire rim size so much of which is handling the response for the better car when changing direction or maneuver, because the tire contact area with the road surface becomes wider, making traction a tire larger than a car’s appearance becomes more catchy.
But the weakness of the up-size wheels and tires replaced with a thinner profile and the width will slightly reduce the damping force cars to the road surface is uneven and a little more noise (noise road) due to the tire contact with road surfaces became greater.

Expressing Yourself with Car Modification Accessories

Some people like to modify their cars for their convenient and pleasure. This kind of people usually wants to show who they are through their beloved cars. If you are one of these people you certainly need car modification accessories.

To find car modification accessories, you can easily find them in the automotive stores in your city. You might want to take a look or figure out what kind of accessories you want to have by visiting online automotive stores. As car modification accessories, they normally have many kinds of accessories from different types of cars with different brands. This can be very confusing, because too many choices make you not know which one you want to get for your car. Therefore, you might want to talk to the sellers, because they can tell you the advantages and disadvantages of certain brands, and also the cost. You can also get online and take a look at their websites and see what they have. They usually have a live chat customer service online that you can talk. This is important for you because you do not want to spend a lot of money for low quality products.

Having a Better Performance by Car Engine Modification

When you buy a new car or a pre-owned car, in some points, you do not know how strong and fast the car is. You can always try and ask before you purchase it, but it is usual that certain types of cars have certain level of strength and speed. If you are one of the person that like to express yourself when you are driving, or need to have a car with a stronger machine, it is time for you to get a car engine modification.

Car engine modification is one way to pimp out your car. Once you change replace the engine with different capability, your car will turn to a fast modified car. Besides, by modifying your car engine, you can just improve the car performance to be a better one. It might be the sound that bothers you so much, so once you change it, the sound will not be a problem anymore. Moreover, you may want to change your car engine due to its pollution, because there is lot of cases that cars engine produce so much smog that disturbs the health of environment. The other thing that people really care about is the capability of the engine to use too much fuel. That is certainly not good for your budget.

Showing your Identity through Car Modification

People buy a car because they need it for their quick transportation. However, there are people who like to buy cars for their pleasure. Therefore, for these people, taking care of car is more important instead of using it all the time. To have more stylish cars, they usually get their cars done. On the other hand, they do what is called car modification.

Car modification is a very fun thing to do. It has something to do with the personality of the owner, because usually the result of car modification represents how the personalities of the owners are. You are one the people who modification, you are certainly interested in installing and changing some of your car’s parts. If you like music, you can put audio tools, such as DVD players. You can also replace the headlights to be more stylists. To lead you better when you travel with your beloved car, you can put navigation tool such as GPS. Moreover, if you want to spend more money, what you can do is changing the color or the type of the car door. It would be awesome. However, if you do not have that much budget, you can just do small part of car modification.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yamaha type WR250X motorsport

Yamaha type WR250X motorsportYamaha type WR250X motorsport
yamaha never stop inovation, this is one of the most famous motorbike type sportcity. motorcity motorcyle class.

Yamaha type WR250X motorsport 2009Yamaha type WR250X motorsport
2009 motor Yamaha WR250XYamaha type WR250X motorsport.
tag : Yamaha, motor cycle wallpaper, Luxury motorcycle, motorsport, motorcity.

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Motorcycle

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Front Angle View2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Front Angle View

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Motorcycles2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Motorcycles

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Official Photos2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Official Photos

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Superbike2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Superbike

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Rear Angle View2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Rear Angle View

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R on Track First Look2011 KTM 1190 RC8R on Track First Look

2011 Honda CBR250R Photo Gallery

2011 Honda CBR250R Action2011 Honda CBR250R Action

2011 Honda CBR250R Tricolor Special Edition2011 Honda CBR250R Tricolor Special Edition

2011 Honda CBR250R Black2011 Honda CBR250R Black

2011 Honda CBR250R Photos2011 Honda CBR250R Photos

2011 Honda CBR250R ABS Edition2011 Honda CBR250R ABS Edition

2011 Honda CBR250R First Look2011 Honda CBR250R First Look

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Motorcycles2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Motorcycles

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Details2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Details

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Photos2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Photos

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Sportbike2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Sportbike

Thursday, October 28, 2010

ATV Kawasaki Brute Force 750 2011 design

ATV Kawasaki Brute Force 750 2011 design
ATV Kawasaki Brute Force 750 2011 design
Kawasaki Brute Force 750 ATV is always impressive as the cruiser motor model 4x4i ($ 8,849), which etrim suitable form in all-terrain road. from the previous review in January 2010 version so I can not mention the details too much, but this unit is one of the favorite features is equipped with powerplants ATV - Kawasaki liquid-cooled, 90-degree, fuel injected, 749cc V-Twin. Other highlights include dual A-arm front suspension, the suspension is fully independent dual A-arm rear, and 1,250 pounds of towing capacity impressive. For 2011 Brute Force 750 4x4i are available in a wide selection of attractive colors: Royal Dark Red, Green woodsman, and painted Ruby Red Metallic.

Tesla 2010

Mustang Cobra

Mitsubishi Galant

Resep Percaya Diri di Depan Umum

MAS Taruna K Kusmayadi, saya mempunyai masalah dengan penampilan yang sesuai dengan kepribadian. Saya selalu merasa tidak percaya diri jika tampil di depan umum.

Saya seorang mahasiswa, berat badan 49 kilogram dan tinggi badan 165 centimeter. Bagaimana sebaiknya saya berdandan dan berpakaian, yang sekaligus bisa untuk bekerja pula? Saya tunggu balasannya.

Ika Asmarani Putri


Menilik ukuran tubuh Anda, saya pikir proporsional saja. Rasa percaya diri sebetulnya bergantung dari "dalam" diri Anda. Sedangkan tampilan busana sebenarnya berfungsi "hanya" sebagai sebuah "pernyataan penguatan" siapa sebenarnya Anda.

Tetapi sangat umum sekali bahwa berpakaian yang oke akan memengaruhi pencitraan kita terhadap masyarakat sekeliling. Jadi jawaban saya adalah berbusanalah senyaman apa yang Anda kehendaki tanpa melupakan jenis-jenis kegiatan atau acara yang akan Anda lakukan.

Sekadar beberapa tip untuk Anda jika ingin tampil lebih percaya diri:

1. Pilihlah gaya busana yang normal atau umum, jangan memilih yang terlalu aneh.

2. Pilihlah busana yang tidak terlalu "terdepan" dalam fesyen.

3. Pilihlah warna-warna yang "aman". Misalkan warna abu-abu tua, hitam, biru tua, beige, krem, cokleat tua, dan sebagainya.

4. Mengoleksi blus atau kemeja putih/off white dengan detail yang "cute", misalkan "opnaisel" pada bagian dada, kerah yang berbentuk aneka ragam atau yang paling simpel pun dengan potongan kemeja laki-laki dengan bagian pinggang yang berbentuk.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

motorcycle modif yamaha vixion 2010 jogja

motorcycle modif yamaha vixion 2010 jogja
Standart modif Vixion yamaha
motorcycle modif yamaha vixion 2010 jogja
motorcycle modif yamaha vixion
motorcycle modif yamaha vixion 2010
motorcycle modifikasi yamaha vixion
motorcycle yamaha vixion modif
modifikasi yamaha vixion standart to extreme

vixion with stang kawasaki ninja Tninja r handle stang original from kawasaki dealer.
vixion with stang kawasaki ninja and Tstang kawasaki ninja r modif to replace the original stang yamaha vixion. offcourse the T must be changed too.
tag : Yamaha, Vixion, modification art, Wallpaper.